Meet Addison! Looking colorful in her Poppy Blossom costume!
She is a blossom girl who loves her family, her friends, and posing for the camera! In Addison’s own words, “Being blossom means feeling brilliant and wonderful and I feel blossom when I help my friends.” Just having started first grade, Addison is already making the world a more beautiful and colorful place by making it a priority each day to share kindness and love with her family and friends. That’s what makes her . . . BLOSSOM!
Stay tuned to meet the other 2 blossom girls that we are featuring as a part of our #IAMBLOSSOM Campaign: A special campaign celebrating the things that make each and every one of us blossom and how we use our one-of-a-kind abilities to make the world a more wonderful, colorful place.
Want to help our message grow? Share with us a picture or video of your little sprout that highlights their individuality and efforts to add color to the world around them by tagging The Blossom Company on social media and using the hashtag #IAMBLOSSOM. We will feature all submissions on The Blossom Company website and social media accounts.
We can’t wait to hear all about what makes YOU blossom!
Have a blossom day! 🌸
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