We have some BIG news for you today! For far too long, Bibli carried this question on his shelves: “Could there be a story somewhere about a bookshelf like me?” Today, Bibli finally received an answer as the first book about a bookshelf ever appeared on his very own shelves! We just received the prototype copy of The Friendly Bookshelf and we (and Bibli!) couldn’t be more excited! Unwrapping the book and holding it in our hands for the first time was such a surreal experience and it gives us hope that Bibli's story will go on to inspire readers of all ages to find the courage to share their own unique stories with the world.
With timeless yet timely messages about friendship, self-confidence, and how we all have an important story worth telling, this book means so much to us and we hope it will hold a meaningful place on the bookshelves of readers big and small for years to come! Be one of the first to see a sneak peek of the interior pages in the clip below! 😱
With The Friendly Bookshelf in the final stages of being prepared for print, it is now only a matter of time before Bibli takes his very first plane ride over to us! If you'd like to be one of the first to get Bibli's story on your own bookshelf, make sure to preorder a copy at the link below. To be released on November 30th, preordered copies of The Friendly Bookshelf will arrive just in time for the holidays, and what would make a greater holiday present for your little one than this playful and precious tale about a little bookshelf named Bibli in search of a story about someone like him?! 😍
We're so glad to have you join us in this process of bringing the first story about a bookshelf to life! Stay tuned for more sneak peeks of the printing process during the next few weeks!
Thank you so much for your support, and most of all, for being a friend! Until next time, don't forget . . .
Always be your-shelf! 📚❤️
Caroline & Katherine
Co-Authors of The Friendly Bookshelf
Co-Founders of Blossom Children's Media Group