With only a few days left until Easter, Poppy and Posie from "The Blossom Shoppe" are getting ready to celebrate the special day with their friends in Blossom Town! The Blossom sisters have prepared these special Easter egg petal flowers in candy-filled pots that they plan to give to each of their friends as a special Easter gift to share the magic of friendship and flowers during this special season-- and they would love to get to share this magic with you, too!
Download Poppy and Posie's Easter egg petal flower craft instructions to print out and design your own one-of-a-kind Easter egg petal flower to share with those you love this Easter!
Remember to share your photos of your flowers using the #BLOSSOMEASTER, so Poppy and Posie can see your amazing creations as well as for a chance to win a Poppy or Posie dress-up costume!
Have a blossom day! 🌸
Katherine and Caroline
Co-founders of The Blossom Company
Co-authors of "The Blossom Shoppe"
#TheBlossomShoppe #TheBlossomShoppeChildrensBook #PoppyandPosieBlossom #TheBlossomShoppeBook #TheBlossomShoppePictureBook #Picturebooksaboutspring #Picturebooksfeaturingstrongfemalecharacters #picturebooksfeaturingfemalemaincharacters #picturebooksaboutspring #picturebooksaboutflowers #picturebooksaboutbelievinginyourself #picturebooksaboutsisters #childrenspicturebook #bookinspiredcraft #picturebookinspiredcraft #TheBlossomShoppeDIYCraft #PoppyandPosieDIYCraft #Easter #EasterDIYIdeas #Eastercraftideas #childrenscraftideas #EasterDIYgiftideas #kidsdiyactivities #kidsgiveaway