The Blossom Company is proud to announce that our debut picture book,“The Blossom Shoppe”, a Gold Recipient of the Mom's Choice Award and finalist in the 2018 Next Generation Indie Book Awards, has received its third award for excellence in children's book publishing by being named a finalist in the National Indie Excellence® Awards! The category in which "The Blossom Shoppe" placed (children's motivational and inspirational books) is also the one in which the New York Times bestselling “What Do You Do With...” series won in previous years.
“The prestigious National Indie Excellence® Awards is an award contest open to recent English language books in print from independent, university, and self-publishers... Established in 2007, the NIEA competition is judged by experts from all facets of the book industry including publishers, writers, editors, book designers and professional copywriters. Winners and finalists are determined on a basis of presentation in every facet of the published product.”
- National Indie Excellence® Awards
To be inspired by “The Blossom Shoppe”, visit Amazon or our online store to purchase a copy! Books purchased through The Blossom Company online store receive a special note from Poppy and Posie Blossom!
Katherine and Caroline Brickley
Co-founders of The Blossom Company
Co-authors of "The Blossom Shoppe"
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