"Don't wait . . . come together and celebrate!"
Poppy & Posie’s newest video is now live on their YouTube Channel! In this episode of their YouTube series, the Blossom Sisters sing and dance along to their special Mother’s Day song and celebrate this beautiful holiday in the best way they know how!
To join them in their Mother’s Day celebration at the Blossom Shoppe, click here!
Alongside their hit Mother's Day song, Poppy & Posie have also created enriching, downloadable activities to make your Mother's Day BLOSSOM! Click here to download and print Poppy & Posie's Mother's Day-themed activities that are guaranteed to fill this Mother's Day with lots of wonderful, colorful fun for you and your little one!
Have a Blossom Day! 🌸
Caroline & Katherine Brickley
Sisters, Best Friends, and Co-Founders of The Blossom Company
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