Meet Kaiden: Our Blossom Kid for the month of March! (Age 4; Georgia, USA)
Kaiden is a Blossom Kid who is outgoing, happy, and all about having a good time, rain or shine! Whether he is making music or practicing karate, Kaiden finds the fun in everything he does. In Kaiden’s own words, “I am Blossom because of my family, my music, and my karate!” He has such a love for life and is known for always smiling big and laughing hard! And not only does Kaiden love to smile and laugh -- one of his favorite things in the world to do is to make others smile and laugh too! From telling jokes to showing off his newest dance moves, Kaiden brings joy to everyone around him. Kaiden also finds happiness by participating in his favorite activities such as singing and dancing, arts and crafts, playing catch with his dad, helping his mom cook, playing fetch with his puppy, playing chess at school and going to karate class. No matter what he does or where he goes, Kaiden is always making new friends by striking up conversations, sharing his toys, and being kind to everyone he meets. By sharing his story with us, four-year-old Kaiden has shown us that bringing happiness to others truly is the most fun activity of all! That’s what makes Kaiden . . . Blossom!
Shining a spotlight on Blossom Kids and their inspiring stories every month is one component of Poppy & Posie's ongoing #IAMBLOSSOM Campaign: A special campaign dedicated to celebrating the one-of-a-kind qualities that make each and every child Blossom.
To have your child take part in this campaign that inspires confidence and creativity, please click here .
Have a Blossom Day! 🌸 Caroline & Katherine Brickley Sisters, Best Friends, and Co-Founders of The Blossom Company
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