Since Bibli's story has started to arrive on shelves all over the world, we've begun to receive fanart from some very talented bookshelf buddies around the globe.
Take a look at just few of them in the colorful collage above. These beautiful illustrations were shared by our illustrator's students (Dani), as well as children who attended our most recent author events where Dani taught us how to draw the Friendly Bookshelf him-shelf!
We are so incredibly impressed with their attention to detail and creativity - one even gave Bibli two bookshelf siblings: bubla and babla!
If you'd like to view one of our most recent virtual events and learn to draw Bibli too, click here.
If you'd like to attend a future event, stop by our calendar by clicking here.
OR, if you'd like to host an author and illustrator event of your very own, click here.
If your little reader has drawn a Bibli of their own, snap a pic and send it to for a chance to be shared! You can also post it on Instagram and tag us at @the_friendly_bookshelf! Bibli just adores seeing the portraits you make of him!
Always be your-shelf!
Caroline & Katherine
Sisters & Co-Authors of The Friendly Bookshelf