Meet Poppy and Posie, the beloved main characters of our award-winning, debut picture book "The Blossom Shoppe." Poppy and Posie Blossom have stepped right off the pages of The Blossom Shoppe to share their story with you...and to meet you in person!
This summer, Poppy and Posie will be holding their first ever tour with a series of events throughout Fairfield County, Connecticut and Broome County, New York. Each event will include storytime, singing, dancing, and an opportunity to have your book signed by Poppy and Posie! They hope to see you there!
Can't make it to one of Poppy and Posie's live events? Join them right at their beloved Blossom Shoppe by watching and taking part in their internationally acclaimed children's YouTube show! Head on over to their channel here:
Have a blossom day!
Katherine and Caroline Brickley